
Surpass Hobby S2400M 24KG Aluminum Frame Digital Steering Gear Servo For Wing Ducted Aircraft Model Ship Toy Car Lot Home Intelligent Robot


Availability: 1 in stock Category: Vendor: RC&Robots



Surpass-hobby S2400M 24KG aluminum frame digital steering gear

Suitable for wing ducted aircraft model ship toy car lot home intelligent robot.

See more details in the picture.

Package included:

1x servo

b534c729 e3fa 4d63 ad81 656f47abdfae

249da56a cdc2 4919 841b de143d56c2c1

906c86eb c51f 4b41 bc07 8755b5f21bda

81f1603a d233 4692 8f8b de102e0b913b

ce50e198 4283 48f3 ac5f b3d1825e6cd8

be3272f7 f347 4498 b645 12bf5ea56d02

5382b8b9 deec 45e4 9488 d431e4ea9da8

6473a869 d37f 4863 8e82 6401e45d3b16

8314d285 ebdf 4caf 98db 8c4f5a7d1fbc

9a3c59d0 0fad 489d 88ac d6f6c409f2b0

Additional information

Weight 0,081 kg


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Vendor Information

Vendor: RC&Robots

Company: RC&Robots

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