
RC ERA C123 RC Helicopter Spare Parts Servo Mount


Availability: 5 in stock Category: Vendor: RC&Robots


Product Name: Servo Mount
Scope of Application: For RC ERA C123 RC Helicopter

Package Included:
1x Servo Mount

c7f78bd5 0c29 4151 a941 51fe74c9b9bf

b1afa5b3 6ca5 467b aa7b 0cafdd18a13e

be90a231 d929 4a1c 9503 5f1616c37554

96ad6f6f 5ec3 4b51 b8d9 d491af5a1e05

8a9b8423 f5e5 4a4d 92f3 bfd77e3a5355

b8eb055e a1d5 44f7 a71f c21db70fda2e

6b4bba6f 4739 46ef 8d9f 9e7b3deeeb8a

8ed89f48 6a86 4fcc bb9e 01bd82c30cc0

e35fbe00 e369 4ccc 9fad 6127f96a415d

Additional information

Weight 0,015 kg

Servo Mount


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Vendor Information

Vendor: RC&Robots

Company: RC&Robots

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