
RC ERA C123 RC Helicopter Spare Parts Rotor Clip Set


Availability: 3 in stock Category: Vendor: RC&Robots


Product Name: Rotor Clip Set
Scope of Application: for RC ERA C123 RC Helicopter

Package Included:
4X Rotor Clip Set

41e69b84 e3bc 4f33 ae66 7a3d5f08959e

c50abcde 995e 4aab bff1 1ba5f25aff6e

e468c946 35db 4cc0 96b0 1fc4635d28ba

c0d15252 9cb8 405e be42 189734cf2937

74cb9c8c c6cc 45fc b1b6 68f10cbdc87d

2ecd06ed a06e 4d11 aa19 da1bf6d066eb

60344613 e16c 4f2c 8bcb 7a96e311a764

b01ee2e2 a1b3 4a18 91a6 8a1c32c10bed

5b0b55c5 6994 4432 bbc0 996149585e69

4db17235 b0ee 4099 9791 d7d6c78f44b8

Additional information

Weight 0,02 kg

Rotor Clip


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Vendor Information

Vendor: RC&Robots

Company: RC&Robots

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