
RC ERA C123 RC Helicopter Spare Parts Main Motor/Tail Motor Set


Availability: 1 in stock Category: Vendor: RC&Robots


Product Name: Main Motor/Tail Motor Set
Scope of Application: For RC ERA C123 RC Helicopter

Package Included:
1x Main Motor/Tail Motor Set

b0d9c91b 8a6f 4adb 87fb 8d67610dc087

deb16dcb 9960 48f1 980e 716907230e83

5af2aae9 1956 45c2 a16d 7de19cc76e73

1ea80d6e 4333 4ced 8319 e35fbe3292d1

907fb320 6ca5 44ac a411 4f50dd84a883

018769d7 b356 450d 86ae 528c91abf14e

78b19332 f6eb 4e62 b910 74741ff82aea

0e4465dc 57d8 4749 b628 cc5db435a782

ffc62b57 a9d0 466e 98d0 84821ba76736

491e25e1 2b42 450f a5bd cc50529b31e4

213e4ee5 3364 4d9c 9211 7464cf8793a2

2caa7ce6 516a 4659 99ef e77e94152437

5e29fc15 700d 4374 b016 5ad6932179b2

Additional information

Weight 0,015 kg

Main Motor


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Vendor Information

Vendor: RC&Robots

Company: RC&Robots

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