
HSP 80141 80142A Infinite Ignition Kit Gas Engine RC Car Truck Vehicle Starter Repair Tool Including Charger


Availability: Out of stock Category: Vendor: RC&Robots


Item No.: 80141 80142A
Weight: 303g

Package included:

1x Flathead screwdriver
1x Phillips screwdriver
1x Small Phillips socket
1x Large Phillips socket
1x Oil can
1x Battery igniter
1x Charger

b7e1fb18 f522 4b59 97d3 c68eb7d449c7

acb0ecdb e8eb 489c bc19 0be03c8313b9

d74bbad0 671f 41bc a590 489c4810ff5a

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bc3a150d 9a3b 4443 8165 765f9b238549

2d203262 2915 4172 986a e935274bd338

bb5d8160 6fa8 4f97 8673 2d07239fb65b

Additional information

Weight 0,2 kg

EU Charger


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Vendor Information

Vendor: RC&Robots

Company: RC&Robots

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