
Holybro Kakute F405-Wing Mini Flight Controller 168 MHz 5V/7.2V BEC I2C Port for Fixed Wing VTOL RC Airplane


Availability: Out of stock Category: Vendor: RC&Robots



The Holybro Kakute F405 Wing Mini is a full featured flight controller with layout specifically for fixed wing & VTOL applications. It has the STM32 F405 Processor running at 168 MHz and  5V/7.2V BEC, I2C port.


– STM32F405 MCU running at 168 MHz

– High-Precision / low-noise ICM-42688-P IMU

– 2 On-board BEC output 5V, 5V/7.2V

– On-board voltage & current sensor

– Integrated SPL06 barometer

– I2C port Support

– Small & low-profile design fits into compact frames

– Supports INAV (7.1.2 & later), Ardupilot (4.5.6 & later), Betaflight (4.5.2 & later)


MCU: STM32F405RGT6, 168 MHz, 192KB RAM, 1MB Flash

IMU: ICM-42688P (SPI1)

Baro: SPL06 (I2C2)

OSD: AT7456E (SPI2)

Onboard Blackbox: 128Mbits (SPI3)

5x Uarts (1,2,3,5,6) and R3 is with built-in inversion

7x PWM output, PWM7 used for NeoPixel LED by default

2x ADC (Bat1/Curr1)

1x I2C (the I2C2 is for external devices, also for onboard sensors)

2x LEDs for FC STATUS (Blue) and 3.3V indicator (Green)

USB/DFU Key Extender with USB Type-C

High-precision Current Sense (110A continuous, 132A peak)

Battery Voltage Sensor: 1K:10K (Scale 1100 in INAV, BATT_VOLT_MULT 11 in ArduPilot, Scale 110 in Betaflight)

Static power 110mA @5V


ArduPilot: Kakute F405 Wing Mini (4.5.2 & later)

INAV: Kakute F405 Wing Mini (7.1.2 & later)

Betaflight: Kakute F405 Wing Mini (4.5.6 & later)

Power Board

Input voltage range: 7.4~ 36V (2~ 8S LiPo)

2x ESC power pads

Current Sense: 110A continuous, 132A peak. (Scale 250 in INAV, 40 A/V in ArduPilot,Scale 250in Betaflight)

BEC 5V Output

Designed for FC, Receiver, OSD, Camera, 2812 LED Strip, GPS,Telemetry,etc.

Output 5.3 +/- 0.1V DC

Continuous current 3 Amps, 4.8A Peak

BEC VS Output

Designed for Servos

Voltage adjustable, 5.3V Default, 7.2V option with Jumper pad

Continuous current 3 Amps, 4.8A Peak

BEC 3.3V Output

Linear Regulator

Continuous Current: 150mA


Mounting: 20 x 20mm, M2 hole

Dimensions: 25x 30 x 20 mm

Weight: 17g with USB extension board

Reference Link

Ardupilot WIKI

Ardupilot Mapping

INAV Mapping

Package Included:

1x Kakute F405-Wing Mini Flight Controller

1x Power Board

1x Bottom Board

1x USB-EXT Board

1x GPS Module (Optional)

1x Electrolytic capacitor: 2000uF 35v

3x Sets 2.54 DuPont Pin

1x 15cm JST-SH 6Pin Cable (For USB-EXT Board)

8251c8f4 455c 411a a2cc 5c1843d13656

3abb6c52 0f15 41b8 b21d 1171c6c5ddc9

42f45b97 9e2f 4190 8186 439563e0611c

98496cc3 fc67 4c06 b616 f7e47b78a6ae

418d743c b401 47a3 a48f 2165b281c1a2

d64de87d be6a 4cc3 9f29 d7c25f42af9f

f348f7db 10d8 4ff1 ad24 e3e969e286dc

1aceb342 0b3c 4813 8ab3 0e8373537466

47da93cb 1602 4d19 9fee 67ce3e1d00c0

7488e79e 86c7 4f24 a724 9a1d6d8d1059

Additional information

Weight 0,015 kg

Kakute F405 Wing Mini


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Vendor Information

Vendor: RC&Robots

Company: RC&Robots

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