
Corona DS339HV Digital Metal Gear Servo 5.1kg / 0.13 Sec / 32g


Availability: 2 in stock Category: Vendor: RC&Robots



Model: DS339HV
Operating Voltage: 6.0V / 7.4V
Operating Current: 320mA / 420mA
Operating Speed: 0.14sec.60°/ 0.13sec.60°
Stall Torque: 4.5kg.cm / 5.1kg.cm
Size: 32.5X17X34.5mm
Weight: 32g
Dead Band: ≤3uSec
Operating Travel: 40°/one side pulse traveling 400us
Potentiometer: 5 slider/Direct Drive
Ball bearing: MR106
Gear Material: Metal
Gear Type: Digital
Motor: Brushed
Connector wire: 300mm
Operating Temperature Range: -20°C+60°C
Spline count: 25


With optimized performance and an impressive operating speed, this servo is designed for efficient operations.

It is equipped with a potent brushed motor and robust metal gears for long-lasting performance.

The compact size and lightweight character make it perfect for applications where space and weight are major considerations.

It improves user experience with its exceptional dead band and wide operating travel.

The device can effectively handle varying temperatures, ensuring uninterrupted performance in diverse environments.

Package included:

1 X Corona DS339HV Digital Metal Gear Servo

fb6c0573 a494 4958 810b 808498ad8ca3

85bc572c 9017 4c55 a144 0329ef48def0

198f02d3 d096 4115 b67c 83db1ab2435f

Additional information

Weight 0,048 kg


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Vendor Information

Vendor: RC&Robots

Company: RC&Robots

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